Plastic | Resin Identification code system detailed guide [2024]

Resin Identification code system or plastic Idnentification code
Resin identification code chart

What is the Plastic Resin identification codes?

I am damn sure that all of you guys have seen on the plastic products such as on bottle, containers, Jug, or on many other plastic products the tiny triangular arrow symbol (a number with arrow around) with a number, the number could be any between 1 to 7 based on the plastic material used to make a particular product and that is called SPI Resin identification code.

Resin identification codes were introduced by SPI in 1988. This chasing arrow or resin identification code indicates that the product is made of particular materials.

 The triangular or chasing arrow symbol I mean resin identification code on the product means it can be recycled but not necessary that all products which consist of such symbols are recyclable.

These RIC symbols or SIP symbol presence indicate that a product or package is manufactured from a certain plastic resin type.

Who created or introduced resin identification code?

In 1988 the SPI (society of plastic industry) created a resin identification code to help recycler to identify different types of plastics.

Resin identification code purpose?

Resin identification codes or plastic chasing arrow symbols were created because it’s easier to separate waste plastic products according to the material. This resin identification code concept was introduced to facilitate the post-consumer plastic recycling.

This plastic chasing arrow symbol or resin identification code makes it easier for recyclers as well as the separation of waste plastic products according to its resin code or material. “This resin identification code indicates the type of plastic that product is made from”.

RIC code system infographic | Resin identification code chart

Resin identification code of plastic
Resin identification code infographic chart
Code IconNameApplicationRecycled Made Product
PET plastic identification codePET
Milk container,Soft drink Bottles,
water bottles,
Microwave food tray,
carpet & Cups, shampoo pouches.
Polar fleece, Carpet
HDPE plastic identification codeHDPE
Hydensity Polyethylene
Shampoo bottles,Milk Jugs,
Yogurt tub, Grocery bags,
Recycling bins, agricultural pipes,
car stops, play
ground equipment are made of HDPE
Floor tiles, Pens,
Detergent bottles,
PVC Plastic identification codePVC
Polyvinyl chloride
shower curtains,
non-food bottles,
children toys,
cooking oil bottles,
mouthwash bottles,
Paneling, Cables,
LDPE identification codeLDPE
Low Density Polyethylene
Bread & Shopping Bags,
Various containers,
Dispensing Bottles,
wash bottles, Tubing,
Various laboratory equipment,
carpet etc,
made with LDPE
Floor tiles,
Trash can liners,
RIC code of polypropylenePP
Syrup & Medicine bottles,
Drinking straws,
Ketchup bottles,
Auto parts,
Industrial fiber,
food containers
and dishware.
Broom, Ice scrappers,
Battery cables
PS RIC plastic symbolPS
Poly styrene
Disposable plates,
disposable cups,
egg cartoons,
Cafeteria trays,
Desk accessories,
Plastic utensils,
coffee cup lids, toys,
Video cassettes & cases,
Packaging peanuts,
Insulation board & other

Foam packaging,
Light switchplates,
Other Plastic recycling identification codeOther
ABS etc
Thermoformed sheet, Strapping,
Tote bags, carpet & cups,
Nylon, some food containers,
3 - 5 gallons water jugs etc, made with Other
Custom products

PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate

PET resin code is 1, PET full form is Polyethylene Terephthalate.

Polyethylene Terephthalate made product such as Milk container, Soft drink Bottles,
water bottles, Microwave food tray, carpet & Cups, shampoo pouches, etc, product made from PET.

Recycled PET ( Polyethylene Terephthalate) made products are Polar fleece, Carpet etc.

HDPE – High Density Polyethylene

HDPE resin code or plastic identification code is 2. HDPE Full form is High-Density Polyethylene.

HDPE – High-Density Polyethylene made products such as Shampoo bottles, Milk Jugs,
Yogurt tub, Grocery bags, Recycling bins, agricultural pipes, car stops, playground equipment are made of HDPE.

Recycled HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) made products such as Floor tiles, Pens, Detergent bottles, Fencing, etc made with Recycled HDPE.

PVC – Polyvinyl chloride

PVC resin code or plastic identification code is 3. PVC full form is “Polyvinyl chloride.”

PVC – Polyvinyl chloride made products such as Pipes, fencing, flooring, shower curtains, non-food bottles, children’s toys, cooking oil bottles, mouthwash bottles, etc products are made from Virgin PVC material.

Recycled PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) made products are Paneling, Cables, Mudflaps, etc products are made with Recycled PVC (Polyvinyl chloride).

LDPE – Low- Density Polyethylene

LDPE resin Identificaion code is 4. LDPE full form is “Low-density Polyethylene”.

LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) made products are Bread & Shopping Bags, Various containers, Dispensing Bottles, wash bottles, Tubing, Various laboratory equipment, carpet, etc, made with LDPE (Low-density polyethylene).

Recycled LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) made products are Floor tiles, Trash can liners,
envelops etc made with recycled LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) resin.

PP – Poly Propylene

PP RIC code is 5. PP full form is polyvinyl chloride.

PP (polyvinyl chloride) made products are Syrup & Medicine bottles, Drinking straws, Ketchup bottles, Auto parts, Industrial fiber, food containers and dishware, etc products made with virgin PP (polyvinyl chloride) material.

Recycled PP (polyvinyl chloride) made products are Broom, Ice scrappers, Battery cables, etc made with recycled PP (polyvinyl chloride) resin.

PS – Poly styrene

PS Resin identification code or plastic identification code is 6. PS full form is “Polystyrene”.

PS (Polystyrene) made products are Disposable plates, disposable cups, egg cartons, Cafeteria trays, Desk accessories, Plastic utensils, coffee cup lids, toys, Video cassettes & cases, Packaging peanuts, Insulation board, etc products made with PS (Polystyrene) resin.

Recycled PS (Polystyrene) made products are Insulation, Foam packaging, Light switch plates,
Rulers etc made with recycled PS (Polystyrene) resin.

Other Plastics (ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonates)

Other plastic resin identification code is 7. Other plastics RIC consists of other plastic types that not given SPI resin identification codes these plastic types are ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonate, and many others that not mention here in the list.

Frequently asked questions

What does a resin identification code tell you?

This codes tells that which plastic material used to make the particular plastic product it could any number from 0 to 7, depend upon the product.

Are resin identification codes required?

Yes, of course. Because this days increasing the usage of plastic which means it’s also generates the waste which goes to trash but there are several types of plastics that can be recyclable so this codes makes easier in separation process of plastic waste meanwhile the recycling process.


I hope you liked this detailed guide and detailed Explanation of Resin Identification codes or plastic Identification codes and it’s meaning. If you liked then please share with your friends and also let us know by making a comment in the below comment thread.

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