Phenol-Formaldehyde Physical & Chemical properties detailed guide.[2024]

Phenol-Formaldehyde physical properties
Phenol-Formaldehyde physical properties

The phenol-formaldehyde short form is PF. Phenol-formaldehyde is a resin. Phenol formaldehyde was the first commercial synthetic resin. Phenolformaldehyde is the resin that is durable and inexpensive.

Physical properties of Phenol-Formaldehyde

Mechanical properties

  • Mechanical and thermal properties are mainly dependent on the type of filler used.
  • Retention of physical properties at elevated temperatures sets phenolic apart from plastic materials.
  • Phenolic molding has good flexural strength retention in a wide range of temperatures.
  • Phenolic molding compounds filled with asbestos and special fillers have a higher continuous service temperature range of 252 to 280°C.
  • Impact resistance and hardness is a function of filler and the resin type as well as cure.

Electrical properties 

  • As the moldings are polar the electrical insulation properties and not outstanding but are adequate for many purposes.
  • one disadvantage of phenolic compared with amino plastics and alkyd resins are their poor tracking resistance under conditions of high humidity.

Chemical properties of phenol-formaldehyde

Resistance to chemicals 

  • PF materials are readily attached by aqueous sodium hydride solution but cresol and xylenol based resin are more resistant.
  • PF moldings are resistant to acid except for 50% sulphuric acid, formic acid, and oxidizing acids.

Weathering resistance 

  • On continued weathering, the phenolic molding retain their properties however the surface becomes rough and malt.
  • The yellow-brown self coloration of phenolic molding materials darkens on the exposure of heat and light.

Resistance to high energy radiation.

  • Phenolic resin are resistant to radiation.
  • The best are the asbestos moulding compound.


  • Flammability of PF moulding compounds depend on the basic substance and additives.

Toxicological assessment 

  • If good ventilation is provided no health risk in the manufacture and processing of PF moulding compounds.
  • Utensils made from PF moulding compounds which come into contact with any type of food or condiments are not permitted.

FAQ about the Phenol-Formaldehyde physical properties.

What are the properties of the phenol-formaldehyde?

Physical properties and chemical properties. Physical properties such as Mechanical properties and electrical properties. I talk about the chemical properties then it consists of Resistance to chemical, weathering resistance, resistance to high energy radiation, flammability, toxicological assessment, etc.

How phenol formaldehyde is made of ?

Phenol formaldehyde is made of phenol reaction with formaldehyde.PF is the first resin commercialized.

Is phenol-formaldehyde is toxic?

Yes, phenol-formaldehyde is highly toxic and it can burn the skin if it comes in contact of human skin. if these resin not properly cured then this can cause irritation and allergic reaction.


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